The black sheep approach to marketing


The guys at brewdog are good at making a beer with a story, and now they want you to do the telling.  They trust the drinker to taste something and to know when enough is enough.  And now, they’re trusting drinkers with their blog.

The Zeitgeist blog is a platform of the drinker, for the drinker, by the drinker, and that drinker is you.

When you buy some beer from the Zeitgeist shop, you get a code that will give you a chance to blog on the site. To make it even more fun, readers of this blog get a massive 70% discount on the lovely black lager.  Just enter SHEEP in the code box at checkout. How cool is that?

8 Responses

  1. It’s a bit ironic though, gathering all the Zeitgeist drinkers into one flock…

    Makes me wonder why the code is SHEEP. 🙂

    • I definitely think the BrewDog guys revel in contradictions.

  2. Sheep – how apt…

  3. I’ve always wondered what ‘zeitgeist’ means. Now I know it means p*** artist!

  4. Good offer!

  5. (sorry, should have posted this here, not in Extreme Beering – it’s late!)

    All interesting stuff on the marketing side – we need to work on this too – where might we find all these design/marketing folks who want to work for buttons & beer?!
    (the brewer behind a much earlier Black Lager, at ZeroDegs, Blackheath – still being brewed in their brewpub mini-empire, as far as I know)

  6. Gotta give it to the brewdog guys, they excell at marketing. Now imagine if they put that type of effort into their brewing.

  7. I think they still brew a dark lager at ZeroDegrees. But the really good one is the red beer that occasionally appears there.

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